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auf meinem Gedichteblog "Move on darkness".

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Picture by joy-kelberwitz

Mittwoch, 16. März 2016


When the light dies
we remember
that everything we had
was already filled with darkness 

The truth comes and goes
within the time of waiting
for an answer to where we belong

Roaming through the dreams
of our past while being lost
in thoughts about the future

The present moment keeps hiding

© Move on darkness (Laura Menzel)

Sonntag, 31. Januar 2016


liegen die Gefühle
schwer in den Träumen
der Erinnerung

In den Weiten deiner Augen
habe ich die Zeit vergessen

Nur der Gedanke an den Moment,
in dem unsere Finger sich berührten

Es waren Sekunden
Sekunden, die ich unendlich vermisse

笑顔 (Egao)

In der Wärme des Lichts
erstrahlt dein Lächeln
wie Magie
* 笑顔 (Egao) ist Japanisch für 'lächelndes Gesicht

Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

Dying of the sky

Besmirched by black,
the love of the moon hangs herself
in the endless valley

Under the eyes of the sun
the sea of clouds is shattering,
seeping, over the heaven’s riverside

An early death,
the wind has gone with a whisper
Blossoms are lowering their heads

Through Nothing,
a last prayer … [weightless]

(Deutsche Version/German version here)

Donnerstag, 5. September 2013


After my footprints have left this earth,
will I become a bright rainbow?

Mittwoch, 21. August 2013


in the past
dreams are floating


in der Vergangenheit
schweben Träume

Montag, 24. Juni 2013

The beauty of darkness

Playing the piano I try to escape from the place
I reached again - unforgiveness

Even the stars lost their smile completely